
What's Hidden Inside is the Secret to Life

We give you a complete array of materials to help you enact the strategy that we are talking about here.  The mix of special pieces, posters,  newsletter, ads, newspaper inserts, letters, appointment reminder cards, postcards, calendars, etc is designed to increase effectiveness when used in combinations (materials in kits vary.)   There is a wide enough variety of printed and reproducible materials to reach your target market more than 5 times with the message, to get their attention, keep your message in the forefront of their minds and make your name memorable.  The message and graphics are designed to motivate people to action.

Event Ideas:
Care for Little Ones  -
Schedule a fun day for small children and their families.  You can have activities for children, such as decorating a spring tree with ornaments they color or sticker, or decorate eggs (Use stickers rather than dye - a lot less messy.)  You can do an Easter Egg Hunt inside or outside your office.  Use plastic eggs and make sure you include a treat and a certificate for a free spinal exam or some sort of service that has them coming back to your office.  You could also do a parent and child interactive exercise class.

Pregnancy -
Another spin on this is to do a Pregnancy Open House.  Do an informative health talk and teach the benefit of chiropractic care before birth and the necessity of adjusting the baby immediately after birth.  You can also teach relaxation techniques, nutrition, etc.   Have healthy snacks there and provide a 15 minute massage for any attending pregnant Mommy if you have it available. 

Internal Marketing - Hand out materials to patients inviting them and everyone they know who is at the baby stage of life to attend.

External Marketing - Go to Day Care Centers, Play groups, or advertise in the major media venues.  You can establish networking opportunities, by inviting another supplier of small child products or services to come and take part in the event.  For example, invite a Discovery Toy distributor to show off their toys for a night and invite their data base to come to your office for the shared event.  You will multiply the amount of people coming by doing it as a shared event.

When filling out the form, give us as much information as you can and be specific.  We create your materials based on your information.  More is better!

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